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Autumn Term 2nd Half 2022

Autumn Second half 2022 - Heroes and Villains


Please have a look at our new learning for this half term.


PE - Tuesdays and Wednesday

Please can the children come to school in their PE kit.


School Trips

  • Library 3rd November AM- children will join the library and have a workshop looking and learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.
  • REX Cinema 15th November PM- we will be going to watch the latest Minons film as a reward to the children for all their hard work this term and good attendance. 
  • St Mary's Church 22nd November AM- meeting Ref Hilary Bond to be welcomed at the church, have an explore and learn about he church and hear and act out the nativity story.

We would very much appreciate parent helpers so please let us know if you are available to join us.


We are learning about significant individuals from the past who have changed our world.

We are learning all about Guy Fawkes and discussing our opinions about whether we thought he was a hero or a villain for doing what he did.

Next we are researching about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. Two very brave women who changed the world of nursing and forged the way for better conditions in hospitals. 


For more information look at BBCbitesize:

  • (Guy Fawkes)
  • (Mary Seacole)
  • (Florence Nightingale)

Library Visit

We had a lovely morning at the library, hearing a story, signing up for a library ticket and choosing a book to take home to read. 

St Mary Church

We had a lovely morning visiting our local church and meeting Rev Hilary Bond to look around the church and learn about the nativity story. We heard the story and shared our nativity words while we talked through the Christmas Story. 

Science - The Seasons

This half term in science we are learning about the seasons. What they are and how the weather, plants and what we wear changes to in each season. We are also talking about day length and how that varies in each season. We have investigated different ways to measure the weather and as a class decided to measure in cm the rainfall over a week. To do this every child made their own rain gauge to record data and make conclusions.


For more information to support home learning see Oak National Academy: 


For literacy this half term we are exploring a variety of traditional tales. We have looked and read lots of different traditional tales, discussing their settings, analysing their features and talking about the characters. We have retold the stories through drama, story mapping, character descriptions and written our own Jack and Beanstalk story. 

For home learning support please have a look at BBCbitesize -Fairy stories and traditional tales, which has lots of different stories to watch and interactive activities to do.

Marvellous Maths

In Year 1 we combine practical exploration of maths knowledge with recording in our books. We use extension questions to develop reasoning and problem solving skills. We take photos to document their practical activities. 


For home learning support please have a look at the Year 1 White Rose website. There are supporting videos, activities and lots more!


Also please continue using IXL to support home learning which links to the work we are doing in class.

Nativity 2022

Design Technology 

Brief: To design a traditional tale puppet to be used to retell a story by a child.

Year 1, have been busy following a brief to design and make traditional tale puppet they could use to retell a story. We selected a character, did a design plan and thought about what resources we would need to make our own puppet. We sewed on buttons, ribbon, beads and cut up different textured fabrics to make clothes. 
