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Fireflies - Year 2 Class

Welcome to Fireflies!

Hello and welcome to Fireflies! smiley


Fireflies are taught by Mrs Keane (Mondays & Tuesdays) and Miss Fowler (Wednesday-Friday). We also have Mrs Allen as our classroom teaching assistant (Mon-Thurs)


As children move into Year 2, there is a greater shift towards taught lessons containing fun and engaging activities. There will always be opportunities for learning in a practical, 'hands-on' way, making use of equipment and outdoor areas. During the year, we will be continuing to encourage a more independent approach to learning ready for Key Stage 2. 

All topic information and regular updates for each term can be found above - just click on the star!


A typical day in Year 2

The day starts with phonics / spelling, followed by Literacy where we complete tasks based off the class text. After break, we have Maths and Guided Reading. After Lunch we fill the afternoons with other subjects including RE, Science, History, Geography, P.E., PSHE, Music, Computing and Art or D.T. We then finish the day with Collective Worship and a story.

P.E. Kits

Can all children come to school ready in their P.E. kits on the days they have PE. Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on Friday.


Forest school

Year 2 have forest school sessions every Wednesday in Autumn term 1 and Spring 2. Please make sure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing, such as a coat and wellies, to protect their uniform. They will be outside rain or shine!

Home Learning

Children are expected to read everyday at home and their reading record are checked twice a week. Book change days are on a Monday and Thursday, so please make sure you bring your reading book on those days. Children who read 4 times a week will get a golden ticket to put into Mrs David's special bag in celebration assembly and be in with a chance of winning a free book! We will also be sending home weekly spellings each week that the children will be tested on. These will be sent home on a Thursday and tested on the following Friday. Please make an effort to work on these with your child as this can really help to improve their writing.


Over the course of the year we do a trip each term. We visit the fire station, the church and in the summer term we head all the way to Southampton to the Seacity Museum to consolidate our learning from our Titanic topic. We hope these will all be fantastic experiences.


Please remember, we have an open door policy – please come and speak to any of the Year 2 staff if you have any questions or worries. You can also email us on our class email
