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Summer Term 2nd Half

We are learning...

PE - will be on a  Tuesday and Thursday


School trips;


Corfe Castle guided tour - 19th June


Wareham Library trip - 13th July


Please have a read through of the historical vocabulary we will be learning and using this half term.

Literacy - We have been reading, following and writing our own instructions for planting a sunflower seeds. We will be keeping a diary to record how it grows.

in science we will be learning all about plants. Naming wild and garden plants and understanding about evergreen and deciduous trees.

Wild plant hunt - identifying and collecting data of wild plants in our school grounds.

PE fun in the sun!

Corfe Castle - We had a fantastic day exploring Corfe Castle, having a guided tour and learning all about what life was like in the past. I was very impressed at how much the children remembered!

Art - We have been learning about colour mixing using primary colours.

Praise points - Butterflies have been so brilliant that we have filled our tubes up in class. Well done Butterflies class!
