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Spring 1 - Under The Sea

As part of Children's Mental Health week, we have started to think about things that makes us happy and how we can keep our minds healthy. We have decorated some bunting with things and colours that make us happy. We have also taken part in some mindfulness colouring to help our minds relax. These will be displayed in the hall for the week to promote positive mental health.

In our Science, we have started learning about living things and their habitats. We went exploring in the forest school area to find things that are alive, dead or never alive. We also had a look for some habitats for minibeasts. We loved going out in the forest school area!

As part of our music day we listened to Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' piece. As we listened we used oil pastels to do some drawings to represent the four seasons and how the music made us feel. 

We were also very lucky to have Arthur bring in his guitar and show us what he has been learning. The children enjoyed listening to Arthur talk about his guitar and play us a song!
