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Summer term

Sports day

Purbeck Arts Week

Fireflies have been working hard on their Purbeck Arts Week projects based on 'The Big Book of Blue'. We created seascape pictures using watercolours then added some materials to create a texured effect. These will be on display at Rollington Barn during Purbeck Arts Week.

In DT lessons, Fireflies designed and made some lifeboats using a plastic bottle, elastic band and some lollypop sticks. They had a wonderful time testing out their designs to see if it moved in the water.

Titanic research

As part of our history and writing lessons, we are learning to write a non-chronological report about the Titanic. Our first job was to research some key facts that we want to include. We used books, fact files and we used the laptops to find out some new facts.


Fireflies were so sensible in using the laptops safely and worked brilliantly in pairs.
