Spring Term 2nd Half 2023
Our new exciting topic this half term is...
Look what we will be learning about in Year 1 this half term...
We are learning about India. In our role play book shop you can read lots of non-fiction texts about India and look at different atlases and maps.
PE - This half term PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday.
Forest School - every Wednesday, please can children have appropriate clothing.
School Trips
- Arne Nature Reserve, Tuesday 28th March - workshop with RSPB Ranger
-St Mary's Church - The Easter Story workshop with ~Rev Hilary Bond
Our class texts this half term for literacy are...
RE - The Easter Story We have read the passage from the bible about Palm Sunday and reflected our thoughts. We used these green palm leaves to act out the Easter Story. Taking it in turns to be Jesus and talking about how he might have felt and the people in the village.
Fantastic Forest School - We are luckly to have Mr J with us every Wednesday.
World Book Day 2023
PE - We love PE with coach Mr B!
DT - We are making paper and paste Elmer character elephants using recycled milk containers. Each elephant has its own personaility!
Well done Butterflies....We have filled our class praise point tubes and now its time to add them to the whole school tubes. Mrs Muir is very proud of you all for being so brilliant!
Church Trip - We had a lovely morning at the church hearing and reflecting about The Easter Story.
Reptile and amphibian talk - We were very lucky to have Adam visit us today to show us some of his reptiles and amphibians, explaining about what they eat and their features. Everyone got to touch his friendly python snake. The children couldn't believe how dry it felt. Thank you Adam.
Dog Trust - We had a really interesting workshop learning about the safety and importance skills to use with dogs.