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Bees - Year 4 Class

The cake sale raised £78.20. Many thanks to all for your support, baking and eating!  All funds will go towards the Year 4 Summer trip.

Recommended reads Year 4

Bees Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Layzell

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Burbidge, Mrs Johnston, Mrs Orgill


In Year 4, we focus on developing children's independence and resilience. Our lessons are to engage and encourage the children to develop their own interests and feel a sense of confidence and achievement in their learning. We strive to create an environment where the children are excited to come to school and feel safe and nurtured during their time with us.


Every day, we start with early morning work which is followed by Spelling or Handwriting practice. Maths and Literacy and Guided Reading are taught every day, RE is taught on a Friday. Our afternoons are spent working on Science, Topic, Art and D/T, PSHE, Computing and Music. 

For further information on our curriculum, see our half termly curriculum overview.

Children attend collective worship every day which includes singing and celebration and collective worship in class.


Our PE days are as follows:

Summer 2

Monday (Swimming) and Tuesday

Wednesday - Forest School and Ukulele


Homework for this year will be as follows:

Daily reading (20 minutes 4 times per week)

Times Table Rockstars

Times Table Sheet (once a week)

Spellings (once a week)


We are available to parents for any concerns they wish to share and encourage you to email us directly. Please contact us via our class email:

Year 4 had an artist to visit today, they made 3D fossil fish from cardboard, paper straws and paper mache. This linked nicely to their Science and was an eco friendly lesson as little of the materials were wasted. A great time was had by all!

The Year 4 children started their ukele lessons today.
