Two thousand-four hundred years have passed since Aristotle was born in 384 BCE in Northern Greece. Civilized people have always celebrated the birth of Aristotle because, more than any other human being, he made civilization possible. He invented science.
Science provides the foundations for understanding the world through Biology, Chemistry and Physics and is an organized way of gathering and analysing evidence about the natural world.
Science has changed our lives and all children are taught essential aspects of knowledge, methods and processes. Children are encouraged to understand how Science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things behave and analyse causes.
Children are taught to work scientifically from an early age. They cover subjects including Animals and Humans, Materials and Living Things and their Habitats through Key Stage 1.
The importance of things we take for granted, for example, Light, Sound and Electricity are covered in Key Stage 2. Using their prior knowledge of working scientifically, children are taught to set up investigations using a fair test and record their method, results and conclusions. They also extend their knowledge of Materials, Animals and Humans and Living Things and their Habitats during this time.
We read widely around our science curriculum, both in our whole class reading lessons and in groups to focus on extending our subject knowledge.