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Spring Term 2nd Half 2024

Our new and exciting topic this half term is...

PE - This half term PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Forest School - every Wednesday, please can children have appropriate clothing.

Easter Story St Marys Church visit - Tuesday 19th March pm

Look at what we are learning about...

We are learning about India. In our role play book shop you can read lots of non-fiction texts about India and find India in different atlases and maps.

Check out this half terms literacy texts to motivate our writing. We will be writing robot character descriptions and non-chronological reports about tigers.

Harry and the Robots - by Ian Whybrow

Happy World Book Day!




We are learning to identify and classify animals into their different groups. Please check out the below links for extra learning.


BBCBitesize – information, video clips, interactive games


The National Oak academy leaning videos.

Well done Butterflies, we have filled up our class praise point tubes and now can add them to the school tubes.

RED Nose day fun..!

We had a lovely visit to St Marys Church to hear The Easter Story with Rev Hilary Bond. It was very moving and gave the children an opportunity to reflect.
