Our English curriculum seeks to equip pupils with a strong command of spoken and written language in readiness for their next phase in education and to be successful life- long learners and participants in society. We acknowledge the importance of English within each subject of the primary curriculum, and believe that a depth of learning secured within all aspects of this core subject, enables access to the full breadth of a rich and vibrant curriculum, and broadens pupils’ experiences.
Our English curriculum aims to develop effective communication skills so pupils can speak and write fluently to communicate with others, and can read confidently and listen carefully so others can communicate with them.
Writing involves transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech, before writing). Our writing sequence aims to develop competence in both aspects. Pupils are taught to express their ideas in a range of written genres, develop a strong awareness of audience, purpose and context and use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar appropriately.
We teach writing through a range of high quality texts that are often linked to other curriculum areas, in order to immerse pupils in their learning. We also teach different writing genres: instructional, explanation, reports and discussion through links to our science, history or geography topics.
We ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, receive appropriate and timely support and scaffolding to help them to access the English curriculum, catch up on lost learning and reach their full potential.