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Our curriculum is designed to ensure that all children leave our school with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed at the next stage of their education. We have chosen topics and texts that are exciting, relevant and allow children to discover the wonders of life; from our incredible local area to the outer reaches of space!


Learning is organised into half-termly or termly 'topics', into which are threaded knowledge and skills from all subjects - history, geography, science, art, design technology, music and ICT. Topics are underpinned by high quality texts, through which we teach reading and writing skills.


In all subjects, key skills and knowledge have been decided and agreed so that as pupils move through our school, we can be sure that they are building on secure and important foundations. All pupils, including those with SEND, are expected to engage with the whole curriculum. With a focus on key skills and knowledge and additional support and scaffolding, we ensure that all pupils make progress in all curriculum areas. Our KS2 classes also have weekly Spanish lessons. 


We use White Rose Maths to teach our daily maths lesson. Additional maths is practised throughout the day to improve recall and fluency. 


RE is taught weekly, using Understanding Christianity and Discovery schemes to support children's knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major world religions.


PSHE is taught weekly using the SCARF scheme of work. We also have yearly visits from the Life Education Bus and school nurses. 


For PE our school follows the Complete PE scheme. Along with our PE lessons our children have the opportunity from Y1 upwards to take part in competitions run by the Purbeck PE Partnership at The Purbeck School. This enables the children to take part in competitive games as well as developing skills in other sports. We encourage all of our children to take part and reward one child/group of children with our Sports Star of the Week in Celebration Assembly every Friday. 


Please feel free to contact the school for further information or more details about any curriculum area. 

Please click on the link below to see our latest news. We take part in lots of extra-curricular events to support our curriculum!
