
Creative Day - Tuesday 1st November 2022
The Big Draw Festival 2022: Come Back To Colour
The 2022 Big Draw Festival theme, Come Back To Colour, is a love letter to each other and the world around us. The theme encapsulates what we all hope will be a rediscovery of the vitality,health, care and vibrancy in everyone's lives after what has been a challenging last few years. The devastating effects of the pandemic on everyone across the world has been succeeded by even more fundamental fears which underlines the need, more than ever before, to nurture and cherish the places where joy, colour and freedom thrive, and celebrate this. The colour in our lives and the world around us dazzles in its richness and diversity if we only choose to slow down and look. This notion of rediscovery opens up a number of ways to observe the colour around us. We might see people seeking their vitality, reconnecting with both their physical and mental ‘colours’, elements that make them who they are. We might observe the wonderful vibrancy in the colours across the seasons and our natural world around us, taking a moment to celebrate our environment and protect the 'health' of our ecosystem. The theme is not about trying to recapture a time that has been lost – it is about capturing, celebrating and finding joy with all the beautiful and wondrous things that remain.
Craft Club 2022
Children in Key Stage 1 have been enjoying craft club this term. They have been listening to classical music and letting their creativity flow! Hama beads, dinosaur cards, scratch art, watercolour painting, sewing, fabric painting, play doh and lots more!

Year 1 Fundraising for Ukraine -March 2022
Butterflies class have been moved hearing the news about what is happening in the Ukraine right now. We wanted to show compassion by doing something to help. We brainstormed ideas and thought it would be good to make slime (part of British Science Week activities) in the Ukraine flag colours to sell to our friends after school.
Children in the class manned the stall and showed compassion talking to their customers about why this fundraising is important right now.
Ashton said, “We should make slime in the Ukraine flag colours to show we are thinking of them.”
We were very proud to make £50 to give to this good cause.
And Father God we cry out for an end to this crisis. For mercy, peace, and truth – because You are light, hope, power, and love. Amen.
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Creative Abstract Art Day 1.3.22
Today the whole school learnt about abstract art and took inspiration from a variety of different artists to create their own abstract composition. We focused on consolidating painting knowledge and skills. There was such a lovely, calm, happy vibe around school.
Reception - Children took their pencil for a walk inspired by Paul Klee's belief that “a drawing is simply a line going for a walk”. They painted inside the lines and added black lines where their pencil line was.
Year 1 - Took inspiration from the artist Beatriz Milhazes. They used water colours to colour mix primary colours by layering paint, tearing coloured paper and adding a black abstract line and circles.
Year 2 - Using different media, children went in search of textures that interest them to take rubbings. Colour mixing painting the background. Children were introduced to 'frottage', tearing rubbings to make pictures in the style of artist Max Ernst who created the tearing technique.
Year 3 - The children looked at the work of Wassily Kandinsky to help them create their own composition using shapes, lines and colour with pastels and watercolours.
Year 4 - Inspired by the ‘lenticular prints’ of Luz Perez Ojeda, children carefully cut two images into strips and by alternating them side by side, in sequential order, and then folding, to create an optical illusion piece of art. Then using 2 images to cut and join to make a new picture with pencil added features.
Year 5 -Inspired by Marcela Montemayor the children creatively arranged a collection of sweet wrappers to draw, firstly sketching a basic outline of each to get the layout and proportions right and then adding the detail of the lettering, shapes and illustrations before colouring it in.
Year 6 - Taking inspiration from artist Sam Cox, (also known as Mr Doodle) the children created small squares of 'zentangle' repetitive patterns.
The children were all very proud of the abstract art work they created… and so were we!
For more information about these artists please check out the links below:
- Wassily Kandinsky -
- Sam Cox -,in%20Kent%2C%20England%20in%201994.
- Paul Klee's -

The Nativity Story 2021

This year EYFS and Key Stage 1 put on a special nativity story. We wrote our own script and reflected the current situation the country is facing... there was no room at one of the inns because they were self-isolating! We had a special reflection to give thanks for all that we have this Christmas time. Some children held lit candles and the school lights were turned off so that Gods love and light could join us for this special celebration of thanks.
The children really enjoyed acting out the nativity story which we have performed and recorded for parents to see. Every child had a part to play and through this we have reflected and discussed examples of ways in which Christians use the story of the nativity to guide their beliefs and actions at Christmas. The children loved performing the Christmas nativity, reflecting on the importance that God gave us his son with the special birth of Jesus and parents really enjoyed watching!
We recommend watching this beautiful YouTube version of The Christmas Story which shows a child's perspective.
Purbeck Arts Week 2021 - children created fabulous art work which was displayed at the community art gallery.
PAW 2021
This term, all of our classes took part in Purbeck Arts Week activities and made some amazing artwork that we submitted to PAW. We had two create days and the theme of 'renewal' to inspire us! Everything you see in this picture came from our school -art work from Reception to Year 6. The children were so proud to see their art work exhibited for the community to visit.
One of the organisers sent us this lovely message.
‘The PAW festival has just finished for this year. Your school's work looked absolutely wonderful in the PYA show at Rollington and drew lots of comments from visitors who loved the variety and joy in the children's work. I'd like to say a massive thank you to you and your school for making such a wonderful and huge contribution to the Purbeck Young Artists show this year. You and your colleagues put such a lot of effort into producing art this year and the resulting work was the heart of our show.’
Purbeck Arts' Week 2020

This is the Garden Bubble's art work for Purbeck Arts' Week showing the changing seasons.