School Logo

Opening Times

The School Day


The school has two gates for access at the start and end of the day, one for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and the other for Key Stage 2 pupils. The school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm. 



Gates are opened at 8.45 and locked at 8.55am, if you arrive and the gates are locked, you will need to sign in at the main office. 



Gates are opened at 3.15pm and locked at 3.25pm. 

If your child attends an after school club, please collect from the correct gate at the end of the club.


School Office:

The office hours are from 8.30am - 3.30pm



If your child is absent from school, please call the school on 01929 552517 and leave a message.

If your child arrives at school after 8.55am you will need to report to the school office and sign your child in on the late register.  For more information on attendance, please click below.
