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Autumn Term 1st Half 2024

If you were unable to attend the 'Meet The Teacher' meeting on Monday 9th September please have a look through the information given about Year 1.

PE is on a Monday and Wednesday - please can the children come to school wearing their school PE kit on those days.


Forest School is on a Wednesday afternoon. Please can the children bring wellies and raincoats as we will be going out in all weathers!

This is our literacy text for the next few weeks. Have you got this book at home too?

The children were very excited to get their own homework folder. Please hear your child read regularly and go through the sound mat. Reading books will be changed on a Tuesdays and Fridays..

Science -We are learning to identify, name, draw and labelling parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. Bonnie was very kind and let us read the labels and place them to identify parts of the body. She had to keep very still!

Marvellous maths - We are learning how to group, count and record numbers. Number sequences- We are learning about number sequences – counting in different steps, and carrying on patterns. To count one more/one less from any given number. Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.

Science Eco Day - We have really enjoyed thinking about how we can make our school better for minibeasts. We did a minibeast hunt and looked at different wild flowers and what plants need to grow. We made seeds bombs using soil, clay and wild flower seeds. We hope these flowers will attracted more creatures into our school grounds. .

Safer Internet Day - we have been learning about staying safe on line. The children produced some briliant information posters.

For more parent information and advice check out this website;
