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Autumn Term 2024

English work in Y6 - Our new book WINDRUSH CHILD had already sparked lots of interest from Y6 .... Why did they leave Jamaica? What did they think of England? Why were they treated differently?....are just some of the questions the children have asked. We LOVE active learning in Y6 so the children have enjoyed getting up and about in their English lessons.Here are some photos of timelines they created about the main character, Leonard, along with some active learning taking place.

SCARF PSHE session - Today Y6 were lucky enough to have a visit from Jane from SCARF. She ran a special one-off PSHE session about mental health awareness and how we can support ourselves and each other. The Y6 children were very sensible and listened carefully, taking part in games, activities and lots of great discussions.

Eco-Science Day 2024. On the first Friday back after the summer holidays, the whole school had a Eco-Science day. Each year group had a different focus and for Y6 it was energy use and how to conserve energy. Firstly, the children learnt what energy is and the different types, then they explored the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy and ended the day thinking of ways we can conserve energy usage in school and at home. The children used their research and ideas to create an energy-saving leaflet for the home. The winning leaflet will be distributed to all our families once they have been judged by the school council. A great effort today, well done!

Y6's first week in their new class. The children in Y6 have settled in really well to life in their new class. There were lots of smiles, lots of chatter about what they're looking forward to this year, lots of questions about everything...but most importantly they all had lots of fun and this is the most crucial element of school life. Well done Y6 on a fantastic start to the year! :)

Autumn term Topic Map
