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Spring Term 1st Half 2025

Our new exciting topic this half term is called ‘Let it Snow!’

Happy New Year! I hope that you and your child had a great Christmas break and are ready for all that 2024 brings!  We are looking forward to teaching our new topic ‘Let it Snow’.

During this term we will be very busy in Year 1 - please see the topic plan above! 



We will be enjoying a range of texts that will helps us learn and apply the skills of reading. Your child’s reading books will be changed 2x weekly. Please ensure that you record the books they have read so we know which books need changing. Homework folders need to be in on Tuesdays and Fridays please. Hearing your child read at least four times a week is really important and will earn them a golden ticket! Please try and keep up with the paper homework and the weekly Numbots online maths activities.


PE – will be on a Monday and Wednesday this half term. Please can children come to school in their PE kits on those days and also if they have an after school sports club.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to know how best to support your child’s learning at home.


Yours sincerely,   Mrs Muir and Mrs Richardson

The children will enjoy choosing an Arctic animal to read a book to in our igloo reading den.
